Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wonderful weekend

This weekend was so amazingly great. I spent the weekend of course with my men, one big and one little and they treated me so well. As we have been trying to get our feet on the ground here they still managed to take time to spoil me. Erik picked out flowers for me and helped sign a card with his handprint. Lindsay got me a willow tree figurine and a great chocolate bar. I was able to get in some quick calls back to the states. And an extra surprise highlight was an email from S. Oh how it made me smile. We havent heard from her in a long time and to hear her accomplishments and updates was just amazing. Total icing on the cake! We are so proud of her and who she is and the path she is headed, seriously we are the luckiest people to have both our birth parents be so seriously awesome!!!!

Hope that all the women out there had a great mothers day because believe you me that even if you don't have children yet I am sure that you "mother" in some other way and that helps nurture all the children and people around you. As women we divinely were designed to be mothers, and I know that even before Erik came along I mothered as much as I could. I didn't discipline or take over for friends, but I loved to spend time with other people and nurture in any way possible, still do. It just feels good and natural.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I miss you! I am so happy to hear you and the "boys" are doing well. I have really enjoyed reading your blog and hope to check in periodically. Please don't forget us in Tehachapi. We will never forget the Moon's!!!

XOXO Katie