Sunday, September 30, 2007

I like to think.....

a lot. I love to sift through my thoughts. I have a hard time expressing my thoughts out loud and have an easier time writing them out. It's funny, sometimes when I am excited or anxious about something I tend to stutter and mix words together. I don't mean to, but verbally it doesnt come to me as fast. I started to read a book about introverts, it's talks about this. It's great it explains the differences between introverts and extroverts and how they gain energy differently. It says that innies as they call them, like to have their thoughts practiced out before they talk, me to a tee.

Anyway that is totally random, but a nice bit of randomness for the day. I like random things, I feel like it brings a simple spontaneity to life and you can also gain something from others. Well I got my MRI results back. I have completely mixed feelings about them. They came back completely normal. My head and brain seem to be fine according to this test. Part of me wished that they had found something, because then I would have a diagnosis and could be treated, another part of me is glad- hoping that maybe I can stop taking my medication. Turns out that I guess I didnt have a tumor last time they did an MRI also. So I am not sure why I have been on medication. But I am being referred to a specialist so maybe they will explain things better.

I would love to have my health stable so that I could focus better on other things. I have gotten the big packets of adoption application typed up, I just need to sit and finish the others. It will take a while, but hopefully we can get everything done by the time Lindsay leaves for deployment. I dont want to have to worry about taking care of it when he gets back but we'll see.

Today was a great sunday. I got to hold our friend's baby during sacrament and get him to sleep. I guess I am the only one he has let do that besides his parents and grandma. I love having experiences like this, holding the baby I mean, because it reminds me that I will be a good mom and have the skills to take care of a little one. I feel so blessed to be serving in the primary, it helps me with my cravings for a little one, and I feel like I grow being around them.

This weekend I read my Dad's personal history that he wrote. It was amazing, I was so glad that he was compelled at some point to write down his experiences and then to share them. He is a wonderful man that I look up to. I think that sometimes he feels like he is interfering with my life by asking questions and such, but I love it. It makes me feel close and secure with him. I cant wait to see him with grandkids. He will be such a sucker for their little smiles and giggles. I was glad to read about hardships and experiences in his life that made him grow in wisdom, it helped me relate to him. Thanks Dad!

Well after a novel of a post that is my weekend in a nutshell. I hope all of yours were uplifting as well.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


So I have actually been putting off posting for a few days. I know....I just got started and I already am putting it off. Well to tell you the truth I had a tinge of embarrassment after the first post. Who would want to read about my life, but I am going to stick with it for a while and see how things evolve.

Earlier this week I had another MRI done of my head and brain to see if there was evidence of a tumor. I dont have the results yet but I am looking forward to moving on with my health issues. I have had sheer exhaustion lately, that I am finding hard to deal with considering I work full time and have my husband to attend to as well as church duties. I dont know how pregnant women do it. Well I guess if I was pregnant I would have a different outlook on it. So here I am waiting to find out the results and hopefully move forward. Last night I went to bed before 8 pm and woke up at 630. I felt good when I woke up but now I feel like I need a two hour nap. Stinky eh? I felt bad because last night would have been great to just relax with Lindsay but I had a whopper of a headache that made me nauseated so I needed to try to sleep it off. That worked luckily!

And the mice that we had in our kitchen a while back are back again. For some reason they love our home. It is driving me batty. It makes me feel like I live in filth, yuck! But we got traps last night and Lindsay caught two. So hopefully we can catch them all before they reproduce too fastly.

I cannot wait for tomorrow, it's friday and I only have to work a half day! So I am just keep looking toward that!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Let's see how this goes!

Well let's see......I grew up using a computer and yet I still feel illiterate. I need to figure out how to resize my pics before I can post any, otherwise they will take up the entire screen. But soon hopefully.

I decided finally to start this for a few reasons. Well first of all I was and still am a bit hesitant for the fact that it feels very vulnerable to be writing things for all to see, plus I am an avid journaler and I didn't want to lose that with typing a blog. But the other things I think outway those concerns. First Lindsay and I have no idea how much longer we will be stationed at Fairchild and so this will be a great way for family and friends to stay in touch with us. Also I have read many others blogs and have felt much appreciation for their posts as they have helped me, so why not give back a little you know? And I think it will be a fun thing to do in my free time, especially when Lindsay is gone on his trips. Oh, I hate those so much, but he loves his job and I wouldn't want him to be doing something he doesn't love.

It is September and what better time to start a new hobby than when the cold is starting to come? Well there we go my first post. I am sure that they will get better with time, but we shall see.