Saturday, May 21, 2011

It seems that this is all the pictures that the internet will allow for right now. The internet seems to be different here. When you pay for internet in a residence you pay for a certain amount of data per month. It is not unlimited like the states. And it can get quite confusing. We were using a lot of our time looking at homes and getting documents scanned and processed the first few weeks of being here and so I couldn't do that much blogging and other fun stuff. I do have facebook on my new cell phone so I can do that. Anyhow..............these pics are some of the things we have been doing upon arrival in Oz. A couple of days after we got here we went to chinatown with the family of one of Lindsay's co-workers for lunch. Erik got tired and grabbed his blanket and layed down on the floor. Poor guy, his body adjusted the quickest I think, but he is an extra early riser since moving here.

This is us waiting for the ferry to go to a cool place called New Farm Park. It had the coolest playground equipment ever. I wanted to take a picture of every piece just to post and show people but that will have to wait. But honestly, it will definitely be a favorite spot to visit. The ferry is just for people, it is not one where you can drive a car onto. It basically looks like a big yacht that rich people rent out.

At new farm park on a spinny something or other, they had a cool modern merry go round, teeter totters, a crazy spider web of cables that was massive for older kids and lots of treehouse like playstuff among other things.

on the teeter totter with daddy, and a music area behind.

chasing the birds (Ibis birds). Probably his favorite activity at the park. This is lindsay's favorite bird here. It is white with a skinny black neck, head and long black beak. We also saw wild cockatiels the other day near our lodging. That was sweet!

This was also just after we got here, before Erik got a hair cut. We ventured to a popular place to shop and play along the river named South bank. There is a man made beach with a lazy river and pool. We thought it was all shut down due to the floods but the pool was open with the life guards and Erik was dieing to get in, so we bought him a little speedo and let him do his thing. I thought it was adorable and he fit right in. I loved seeing his little bum in it without the diaper, so cute!

We mostly exlore different parts of the city when we can and have found a fun rhyme time story time at the local library. There are lots of fun free things to do with kids here which is nice. But I think we will set him up with a gym tots class a the YMCA (yep they have some here) to help him direct his energy. Seriously I think he has a motor in his little body that has a hard time shutting off. Since we have been here his energy has doubled I Swear. Probably because there is a lot more stimulation but it definitely needs some focus.

Church is good and while the gospel and teaching are the same it is different. I can't quite put my finger on it, but its not necessarily a bad thing just different. Erik does loves nursery so that is great, although he is still hesitant getting into there, he has a blast. We get to bring our own snack and sippy cup for our child, so I get to pick and know exactly what and how much he is getting each week. I stay in the chapel all three hours, due to sunday school being there, and also relief society for the women, it's a little odd but nice. The bishop is american and there are more than a handful of either american or canadian families which is nice. We get to attend church basically on temple grounds. You park under it all and the meetinghouse and temple just have a small walkway between the two. The temple I think is a bit smaller than the Spokane temple. Definitely not bigger. But I am happy that it is so close!

Well kids, I think I need to save some data for next time. I am hoping that once we actually move and figure out how much data we use on average and get the right plan to be on track with updating regularly. Thanks for being patient. Also I know a ton of you keep asking what it's like here. I try to think of things as they come and have been making lists too for "bits of Oz" entries but questions are easier so please anytime you think of anything specific that you want to know about email me or comment or something and it will help me to explain things better. Man I have so much in my mind I want to share but don't want to write a book for one post, especially when I just posted a long post. So until next time, enjoy!



Jarom & Corinne said...

I love hearing about your new experinces. I would love a post with pictures of were you shop for food, and what kinds of different things they eat there and how much they cost. When I got your email about the cherries being 15$ a LB my jaw hit the floor. Crazy! How much is milk?

Cristin said...

I love reading about how you are doing over there. We miss you! Keep posting more when you can.