Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tidbits in Oz

Quickly I wanted to share some interesting things that I am learning and experiencing here in my new corner of the world.

-3 grocery bags is the max I can handle with the walk, Erik, and the stroller.

-you go to the grocery store average of every other day to pick up what you need.

-one must carry an umbrella on them at all times because when it downpours like crazy and it's not just a few minutes like it is Hawaii, it lasts for a half an hour or so.

-bananas cost over $6 a pound...thus Erik is being weaned from his daily alotment. Our kid is a monkey when it comes to bananas. Ask any one who has them sitting out on their counter, he will always ask if he can have one.

-while it is expensive to live here, things that break the bank in the states are free here, a la pools, science museums, and other fun attractions, also newspapers seem to be free. Or at least some of them.

-Lindsay and I have both seperately been asked if we are canadian, no one seems to know where our "accent" comes from. Interesting Eh? :)

-The ward we attended on Sunday had many more americans and canadians than I ever expected. I would say around 4 families!

-Instead of having one dollar bills, they have 1 and 2 dollar coins, so there is a ton more change, but they don't have pennies, the smallest coin is 5 cents.

-The toilet water doesn't flush in the opposite direction, it doesnt even flush in a circle. There are 2 different flushes depending on what "duty" you do, a half and full. When you flush a certain amount of water just splashes into the bowl and it all goes down. Very interesting.

-Also the toilets are commonly in a seperate room than the shower and sink. Thus making it take up two rooms of space.

So for those curious about this new culture we are in.............there you have some tidbits. I will try to continue to let in on the Oz world.

1 comment:

Rachel and Jason said...

Sommer! This is all so exciting! I'm glad you get to experience another part of this crazy beautiful planet we live in. You deserve it! And it sounds like the transition(s) have and are going smoothly. The U.S. misses you and your cute family, of course! Stay well and safe and keep the fun updates coming :)