Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Busy bees

Whoops that one is a little blurry but I couldn't get it to delete so you get to see a blurry picture. Erik is getting pretty interactive for a one month old and moves his head and facial features quite a bit! He is too cute
This last week brought us the last of our visitors for a while. We were so grateful for those that made the trip to come see us and delighted in the company. Great Grandpa came with Great Grandma and they snuggled and loved on Erik for a night. Grandpa was all about being involved and getting snugly with Erik. It was pretty cute!

Talk about snugly, Boomer is getting pretty comfortable with Erik and its nice! Here we put Erik next to Boomer on my bed so I could finish getting ready. I sat there with them for quite some time making sure that Boomer didn't get stressed out or accidentally step on Erik if he decided to get down. They both loved it, Boomer at one point had his head resting on Erik's legs and when Erik caught sight of Boomer he would stare intently and smile! It is nice to have a trained dog already, I can't imagine training a dog and having a baby at the same time. And yes you do see pink on Erik's blanket. He actually has a couple with pink in them. We got lots of gender neutral stuff and let's just say......Erik's already completely comfortable in his manhood, pink schmink! Plus a blanket is a blanket, he pees on them so much that he goes through one about every other day, it's either pee or puke- you take your pick!

One month old, I can't believe it! This one is a bit blurry too but like I said the little man is an active one when he is awake so we take what we can get. He is super alert and loves to smile for us now when we talk to him. He is starting to coo and i can't wait to hear more! He has had a couple of rough nights over the past week but on his normal nights he has been giving us some pretty good stretches (6-6.5 hours) of sleep! We are hoping that in the next few weeks we can either keep that consistent or get him to sleep through the night. I think he has got it in him to sleep through the night but it will just be being consistent with a schedule. I tried really hard to schedule while company was here but it wasn't easy. So now I get to work on getting the kinks out of that. Tomorrow we are going to attend our first story time at the library and I am so excited! I hope this little one enjoys books as he gets older. I know I can't force that but I hope that by introducing books early and doing it often that he will like them somewhat.

This weekend was a blast! On saturday we were invited to go out to the desert with friends and go dirt biking and hang out for the day. Lindsay's parents and brother came along for a bit before heading back to snow in washington. I think they enjoyed themselves, i know we loved their company. Then on sunday evening Lindsay needed to head out to LA for work so instead of staying alone for a few days with Erik, we accompanied him. We spend a day in LA and then went to San Diego for a day. Yesterday we went to the San Diego zoo and had a great day! Pictures to come soon! We got to see a distant friend while in LA and eat at the yummy cheesecake factory. The zoo was so fun and although Erik slept mostly, Lindsay an d I enjoyed ourselves. He got in for free as well as Erik and they gave me an employee discount (perks of military) so we hardly payed anything, except for the outrageously priced food, but the trip was worth it. Better than staying home missing Linds.
Aaahhhh life is great! I feel much more comfortable now being a new mom and lindsay has been such a great help. I love watching him father our child and interact in only a way that daddy's can. I thought that I would stress out so much with some stuff with Erik, but instincts and desire have kicked in. It has been a complete joy to have a little one in our home and I know it is just going to keep getting better. I will admit there have been a couple of breaking points in the middle of the night where I prayed for calm and peace as my stress was increasing with a screaming little one who was overtired and not feeling well, but Heavenly Father always prevails and things worked out.
Coming soon..............Orangutans, bears, and elephants, and a story about a namesake.
Until then, enjoy


Jarom & Corinne said...

wow, sure has big eyes! I love seeing how big he is getting, keep all the pictures coming! Love ya, corinne

Cassie said...

Well Sommer I hope for your sake he sleeps through the night soon too but don't be to worried about it. Hallie didn't sleep through the night until 6 months and really didn't keep the same schedule for feedings and naps until 5 months. I swear once you think he is doing one thing the same for awhile that is when it will change, either a growth spurt or something to make him wake up more or eat more! So don't get to caught up in scheduling. I was a little too caught up in scheduling that I was always stressed out and wondering why Hallie wouldn't just stay on schedule, but they do with time and it is so nice!!!! Enjoy that baby while he is still tiny!

D.Jones said...

Sommer! SOooo cute! You are such a good mommie! I am so happy for you. Erik is adorable and how fun to read all your posts and see all your pics. I wish we could see you guys.

Celine said...

I can't believe Erik is one month old already! He is such a cute baby! Next time you guys come down to San Diego, we should get together. I wanted to get in touch with you but I didn't have your or Lindsay's email address.

Backwoods Browns said...

Yay! I am so glad things are going so well for you! He's getting big and he seems to be a happy baby!He really is starting to give you better stretches of sleep! Every baby is different so I hope he continues on that path of longer and longer nights for you! You are both doing a great job being parents and the pictures are adorable! It's nice that Boomer is so comfortable with Erik. can't wait to see the animal pics!