Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tag I'm It!

All right kiddos, I am gonna have a few posts for you today. I was tagged again so here it goes. But before I start this picture of Lindsay was taken just this week on veteran's day. He was up in our nectarine tree pruning for next season. We were not sure how to prune it so we guessed. Hopefully we will get fruit, there was a lot of dead stuff on it. Anyhow I love his smile. And yes it is black and white because he is the photog and I am not. Therefore he had changed the settings and I didnt know how to change them back. Oh well!
Answer all the questions HONESTLY and re post as "How I met _____"
1.Where did you meet?
We don't have a specific place and time but we grew up in the same stake at church and I actually dated his brother for a while (it's too long of a story, maybe for a rainy day!)
2.What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
Umm, he is waaaayyyy out of my league (he was older and uber-popular)
3.Do you remember what he/she was wearing?
No because there wasn't a specific instance, but at one point when we were starting to hang out he was wearing a black workout shirt with khaki cargo shorts playing volleyball at fhe and I thought that he was/is HOT!
4.Where was the first time you kissed this person?
Entryway of my parents house
5.Where did you go for your first date?
Shotgun shooting on someone's property
6.How long did you know this person before you became a couple?
Knew of him-6 years Knew him-3 years
7.How did he/she ask you out?
He came up to me after a fireside to see if I wanted to go shooting with some friends. I told him I didn't know and to call me the next day. I was scared, but gave in. Went...found out I was his date on a double date, and it was all over from then on.
8.Has this person ever proposed to you?
Oh yeah!
9.Do you and this person have kids together?
10.Have you ever broken the law with this person?
Yes, but my lips are sealed on this one (just kidding, see #5 above. We were unknowingly trespassing until we were warned the cops were going to come if we didn't leave. we did.)
11.When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?
While we were shooting
12.Do you get along with his/her family?
13.Do you trust this person?
I wouldn't have married him if I didn't
14.Do you see her/him as your partner in your future?
No brainer
15.What is the best gift she/he gave you?
compliments- but worldly speaking, my down rei jacket!
16.What is one thing He/She does that gets on your nerves?
I think this should stay between him and I, but I will tell you something that drives me nuts but every time I actually see him do it, I laugh. Whenever he changes his clothes he thinks it's hilarious to fling or throw his clothes around the room (I am not talking seductively, he just thinks it is funny). He turns into a little boy. I get to pick them up, but I can't help but giggle at the little boy inside him.
17.Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
Backpacking with our kids somewhere fun!
18.What causes the most arguments?
Another personal one, but I'd say when communication is lacking.
19.How long have you been together?
A bit more than 5 years
20.Are you Married?
Yes, just about to hit the 5 year anniversary!
21. Who Do you Tag?
My missy miss Haley Laley (sorry girl but I miss you and like hearing from you!)

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