Sunday, November 2, 2008

Survivor Sadie!

So little Miss Sadie is a trooper to say the least! She is coming back from the nasty disease of Parvo and she is coming back with a vengeance! She is still rail thin (we have been calling her our back of bones-poor thing) but now she is not puking or having diarrhea and so she is now starting to gain back weight, which is great. With the weight her personality and spunk is back too and she is so fun. The potty training thing has totally reverted back to square one but she is smart so I am sure she will do just fine.

This is a picture of where Lindsay found her when we was getting ready to finish his business. SOrry-kind of gross, but too funny not to show! And the second is just a picture of her curiosity.

On friday night Lindsay and I attended our Ward's Trunk or Treat and because it was raining we passed out candy from the classrooms. It was a fun night, it was especially nice to get out after having cabin fever with Sadie all week. It was nice to be her little nurse but nice to socialize too.

This is my dear friend Amy and her sweet Hannah girl! I am lucky that I get to see her cute dimpled face in the mornings when we walk and whenever else we hang out.

I talked to Haley (BEst friend and Sister in-law) this weekend and even though I already knew we got to talk a bunch about her pregnancy and how she is having a sweet little girl! My brother and his wife Wendy are also going to have a baby next year, but we don't know what they are having yet. If they have a girl then Lindsay and I will have 5 nieces and no nephews, crazy huh? But that's all right that just means everyone can share hand me downs and girly stuff. I miss our families so much and hope that we can make it home for Christmas.

Families have been on my mind a lot lately and I was reading another blog yesterday where they had bore their testimony. I thought that was very courageous and inspiring. So today I would love to share a part of my testimony with you all as well and please feel free to follow suit on your blogs or in emails!

I know that Heavenly Father has an amazing plan for each of us, the plan that some of us know as "The Plan of Happiness." I also know that each of us while here on earth will suffer and go through things that we think we can not handle at times. Whenever I get to this point, I am always humbled as I pray-feeling warm conforts from the spirit and knowing that part of Heavenly Father's plan was to have an Atonement. This event that continues to play out in all of our lives leaves me speechless! I know I do not understand the whole thing but I do know that it has given me the most rich blessings and I can't wait to learn even more.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to pray and talk to my Father knowing that He hears AND answers my prayers. And when I recognize the answers it always makes my heart swell with JOY because it makes me feel special that he knows me so well and always gives the best answer, even if it is across the moon different from what I had in mind.

I know that Families are forever and that through temple ordinances our families can be sealed for all Eternity, the Greatest Blessing! I love my husband with my entire being and am so glad that no matter what we will always be sealed.

I hope that each of you feels the love that God has for you and knows that YOU are HIS children and he loves you. I look forward to reading your testimonies as well.

With love,


chelsea mckell said...

Aw, Sommer - that was beautiful to read (the testimony part - not the doggie bathroom scene, though I admit I laughed). I love hearing/reading other's testimonies because it strenghtens my own.

Jill said...

Your pup is so are awesome to take care of her.
Thanks for your testimony too. You are amazing. Thanks for showing your strength, even though I'm sure you have days when you might not feel it! Isn't the gospel's the only thing that brings me true peace and joy. I don't know how people can find that in their lives otherwise! I wish you guys the best in everything!!

Backwoods Browns said...

Sadie is such a cute Pup!! I loved hearing your testimony! Family is so very important!! It's nice to hear another persons testimony! There is so much fighting against the family these days and the Gospel is the best thing to know and use in our daily life to help our families stay strong and together!! Thanks again!