Thursday, March 22, 2012

First camping trip in Oz

 Oh if only I could show you a picture of how much it takes to tucker out this little man. He has more energy than I know what to do with most days. We tried to get him to nap before we left for this one night camping trip with other members from our church, knowing he would stay up and be running around. But he wasnt having it........until we were in the car that is!
 Then he was out like a light. We were the first ones to the camp site but couldnt go to it, since we weren't the point of contact, so instead of staying in the hot car, we pulled him out and laid him in the shade of the car. He actually slept longer than  I thought that way.
 Then another family showed up and we played with a rugby ball for a bit tossing it around. I learned that it is WAY easier to throw a rugby ball than an american football (it doesnt matter how big your hands are!) and that I can kick a footie ball pretty well too. It was a lot of fun. I will say I do love Rugby but I never imagined that I would.
Ahhh such a handsome couple! The only reason I had a sweatshirt on was so that I wouldnt get eaten alive by the mozzies (mosquitos). I couldnt put pants on though, too hot. It has been weird to not have it cool off much at night here, no crisp mornings, hot cocoa seems far fetched, and not much relief when sleeping. Another lesson learned, our negative temp camping gear is FAR too hot for the Aussie weather!
 Playing with sparklers and setting on our camera!
 Lindsay went for a run that night and came across some yucky spiders.
This one is the infamous HUntsman spider. This picture doesnt show it well, but they are huge. Big enough to hear them scurry across a wall or floor. We have some friends who has one named "lucky" that lives in their garage. It was named that because he is now missing some legs from killing attempts. At this point they stopped trying to hunt him and just say they are more comfortable seeing him on the wall when they go out to their car then not, because then they dont worry that he has made his way into the car! Gives me the shivers thinking about it.
And so that we dont this post on nasty yuckiness. A picture of Erik and one of his friends. These two are joined at the hip usually and can get themselves into quite some naughtiness. She comes from a family of 4 girls and is the youngest so she knows how to fend for herself and well Erik is a boy, so although they play well..........they fight well as well. We recently had their nursery leader tell us that they have been quite naughty in class in church so we have been talking a bit about that at home. I didn't think these things happened until school!

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