Thursday, October 27, 2011

In the thick of things

So we all feel like we are "in the trenches of life" right? Life just keeps getting busier and crazier with more things to do in a day than are realistically possible, not to mention the crazy expectations that most often we put on ourselves. Going back to the basics is hard but so refreshing. Right now I feel like I am in a really good and happy place in life. It's really chaotic and crazy at times, I am often tested to my limits but I also know that my role as a stay at home mom to my young son is the absolute best possible thing for him and our family. It's pushing me way beyond my comfort zone in some areas but I know that is good and keeps me from feeling stagnant. In today's  world with the technology at our fingertips it's hard not to compare myself to other "super-moms" out there who appear to get it all done and well at that. I have to remind myself that we all have different strengths and I don't see the whole picture.

As I navigate through this time in my life I sometimes have to unplug and remind myself that I am creative and crafty, that I am doing a good job in my roles in our family. That although I am not perfectly patient with Erik all the time....I am perfectly his mom. I could handle to improve in many areas but I am learning as I am going. I am learning about him just as he is learning about our world and about himself. I often feel at a loss but also know that he is turning out to be a fine young boy and that I am working at it the best I know how.

I will admit that having a little boy in our house gives me a run for my money. So much energy, so little attention span, so much rough and tumble, but so many smiles and belly laughing. This is but a small moment.................I really REALLY really want to cherish it, and have to remind myself of that when my patience all but ran out by 9 am on some days. My mind is definitely not wired the same as a his and I just dont know how to get through to him sometimes. Which is why I am so grateful that Lindsay and I make such a great team because when he gets home from work, the baton passes and he who makes the coolest games, forts, and anything boyminded walks in the door....I am all but forgotten unless a drink or food is desired. I love it, absolutely. Although I wish I could delve into their brains better for the day time. I wish I was the one with the attention span for the boy minded fun stuff. Playing boy things to me is just hard and really stretches me, if I must be completely honest. I just dont quite grasp it. I understand that it's important and good to explore with him and do all the things that boys love, but sometimes it's " push comes to shove" type of thing. I do it and hope I do it well enough to give him the outlet he needs.

But I am excited that I get to teach Erik preschool for the next couple of years. I think it will help me give more purpose and structure to our days, it will help Erik in obvious academic and attention span levels (have I mentioned that our little guy has so much energy its amazing....not so much hyperactivity as just pure energy). One academic year of preschool here is more than I paid for college tuition....thus I will be homeschooling Erik until he reaches school age. We will supplement social skills and things with some sort of fun classes like gymnastics, swimming, etc. I am quite excited as I mentioned and have been having fun gathering ideas and sorting things out in my mind.

So hand/foot disease is gone. I have been busy filling my small pockets of time looking up information and thus have left the blog a bit lacking. I apologize....Erik would love to sell you some of his toys in his market and scan it through his register if you are interested. He is a great business man!

As I prepare for teaching him at home....I asked on facebook already but if any of you have ideas on how I can increase his attention span or the best way to teach a highly active child..... I am all ears. Maybe he is not so active as an only child =  I am sole entertainer and he doesnt want to do much on his own. That may a more appropriate statement.

1 comment:

chelsea mckell said...

Good for you for getting so well prepared for preschool! I need to get more on the ball with that. There's lots of good resources out there - have you checked out starfall? Great site. I can't believe preschool is so expensive out there! And I love reading your posts. So honest and REAL.