Wednesday, October 5, 2011

oh where oh where does the time go?

             (this pic has nothing to do with this post but is the logo on Lindsay's new jet)

Seriously people I don't know where the time goes. Each day I wake up and by the end of the day I feel like I am exhausted and ready for bed but there is still so much to accomplish. Maybe that is because as I am working on becoming the woman that I want to be, I am more aware of  things that need attention as well as goals that I have set for myself.

Life is so much faster paced here, and while I love it....I am learning a new balancing act. I often feel like I am walking a tight rope trying to figure out what I want to do, what I need to do, what my family wants and needs, etc. Erik is constantly growing into new phases and stages and trying to figure out the best way possible to parent him is always on my mind. I know there is no right way to parent....but I am really trying to figure out his personality and his needs so that I can be the mom that will help him reach his potential the best. Being a parent has such a greater scope than I ever imagined. I love to see him thrive and achieve and when he is proud of himself it makes my day (even if sometimes he is so cleverly naughty and I have to walk out of the room and gain composure before I head back in to discipline). He has the ability to go so far and I want to help him see his potential and give him the necessary tools and skills to get there.

We are constantly on the move whether we are leaving the house or not. Our little man is not one to stay too focused (I am working on it) and he loves imaginary things so we are constantly acting out stories, pretending to be different people, and perform different tasks with objects other than what they were intended for. I love that he is willing to do short arts and crafts projects and gets so excited to show linds his work when linds walks in the door.

I am happy that our little apartment is starting to really feel like a home and a place where our family likes to be. I love that Erik has been laid back enough to go with the flow when I drag him all around town on public transport or walking around running errands. He knows the bank girls by face and asks to go there sometimes (more on that later). I love that our family is spending more time together doing simple things in the evenings.

And I am really starting to find that I am enjoying time in the kitchen. when dinner time rolls around I am not always fond to get going but I am starting to bake and reaching out into avenues of cooking I was previously too scared to try. Maybe it's because just moving here I have to constantly convert measurements into the metric system, and there are many more diverse cuisines here, and just different items available or not available.

Speaking of diversity I take Erik to a nursery rhyme class at the library when i can and about a month ago, the woman leading the class had us all introduce ourselves and our child. Turns out in that room we had families from Norway, Japan, China, India, America (that was us!), Denmark, and of course Australian. Erik is definitely used to seeing people who look way different from him here and it's great! Although a lot of the asians in the touristy parts of town have never seen blonde hair, let alone as blonde as he is. They always want to take pictures and while Erik is a rather outgoing kid, once he realizes all eyes are on him he clams up and so we have to be careful about what we call his "paparazzi."

So that is a basic post, hoping to catch you up a bit. More to come soon!

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