Thursday, April 7, 2011

The whirlwind is picking up speed

(Don't ask me why but I love this pic)
So lately things have been getting super busy and I am not really complaining. Luckily things have been going decently and I am not super stressed out so that is a good thing. ERik has had a weird stomach bug for about a week now and can't seem to shake it. We took him to the doc today and he said that there is really nothing to do and nothing to worry about as long as he isn't losing weight or getting dehydrated. Spry little guy doesn't let anything get him down. Other than no appetite, he is as spunky as ever, and we love his humorous personality.

Linds and the little man get to spend the weekend together without me this weekend as I take a girls night out for Time Out for Women. I am so looking forward to it and no doubt they will have fun. We have been trying to sell most of our belongings and doing fairly well. The biggest worry was the car but we are getting that to the new owner this weekend, and we were able to sell without losing any money which was a relief.

Last week we took Erik to the happiest place on earth and enjoyed spending the day with my aunt and cousin who were down for a trip. It was so fun to see them and get a taste of disneyland. We were there for a day and barely touched the surface but it was great. Erik loved the buzz lightyear ride and the rocket ride where he could go up and down.

Lately Erik is obsessed with "queena" aka lightning mcqueen and rubber duckies. Airplanes I think will always be a fascination and lucky for him today was a special day. Since we were on the base for the doctors appointment with his oh so quirky doctor (linds got to experience the quirky yet amazing pediatrician for the first time today)we also went to visit Lin at work. He was set to fly today and so lucky for us, we got to go out to the jet while the crew did their pre-flight and Erik was absolute heaven. I wish I would have had the camera. He got to turn some of the switches for the pilots and wear Lindsay's headset and listen to radio calls, it was great. He threw a fit when Lin tried to take him to the back of the plane where all of his action takes place in the boom pod. Erik just wanted to be up in the cockpit.

Seriously I think it may have been his best. day. ever. He loves to sing with us at night and give lots of cuddles lately. He is just pure joy....really. Hopefully he will remain the same as his world gets turned upside down going down under.

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