Tuesday, October 5, 2010

maybe maybe not

photo found here.... http://ulovebeth.blogspot.com

The above picture is what I am trying to imagine myself as. I have never enjoyed running, I have never been a fast runner (I quit in elementary when I realized I couldn't even place in any races), and overall running has never been a part of my life other than attending meets and races for my brothers and sister in law.

I have always wanted to like running and experience the so called high that comes with it. But every time I have ever tried to get into a habit, it lasts about two weeks before I put my shoes away for a while. This time however I am determined. I am nearing 30 and I can feel my body changing. My metabolism is slowing, my clothes are fitting differently as my body shape is changing a bit, I feel like I am getting to know a new body lately and I haven't even had the pleasure of delivering a child. So since running is good for you and cheap I am committed. I have a running buddy who is also very committed which is good since I usually wake up and want to cancel. But we have yet to cancel! Lindsay's brother Alex is a physical therapist and him and his wife are amazing athletes. They gave us an awesome running program that starts out super easy (5 minutes of running time the first two weeks, easy huh?) and slowly works up to whatever amount of time you want to be running. My partner and I are up to 15 minutes of consecutive running.

For some of you that may sound like the easiest thing in the world, but I must say I don't know when the last time was that I could do that. Honestly it was probably junior high. That's not to say i am not an active person, but running is not natural to me. I am so proud of myself! We are looking to do a race of some sort in the next few months to keep us looking towards a goal as the weather cools down.

Basically I am tell you all this 1....to make you feel good about yourself because you could probably walk faster than I can run, as well as farther 2.......to help keep myself accountable until this new thing becomes more habit.

I am enjoying that a slow build up because all the other times I have tried I always got nauseated after a run and just hated it. But with this program I feel good about myself and accomplished each time I up how many minutes I can run. Now I just wish there more fun places to run with a stroller.


D.Jones said...

Hey Sommer!!! awesome goal!Keep going, you can do it! And, not saying that you have to be even remotely interested in my running blog...but, if it some how gives you a tiny bit of motivation to keep going than check it out :) it is a work in progress...



Woodrich Family said...

Awesome! I became a fan of running last year before I got pregnant. I tried again the other day for the first time since Lucas was born...yeah, I think I will wait another couple months before trying again....lol. Good luck to you!

Unknown said...

Hurray for running. I've actually gotten into it too and plan on a 1/2 marathon in May. It sounds like a great program, and its awesome that you have someone to run with.