Tuesday, September 21, 2010

fit for a king

So little man is growing faster than i can conceive it and so his needs are changing. Earlier this summer Lindsay decided to have a yard sale last second. I was all about it, I had stuff waiting to be purged and taken out of the house. We also decided to sell the couches that were in our front room. i know that is kind of weird. But we didn't use them that much, really only when we had visitors which honestly isn't that often. Plus we have couches in our family room where the tv is anyway, that is where we mostly hang out. So we sold them and I have been trying to figure out what to do with the empty room. We noticed right away that Erik loved having the big open space the play, so that got my mind turning and although not super asthetic to see as you walk in the house, I decided to turn it into a play room area. Slowly I have been getting things in there and I think it is complete. Only half his toys are out so it is not overwhelming to pick something to play with. And easier for me to rotate when he gets bored with them.

Since organizing the toys he has actually been playing with them! I just got him a little table and chairs, and he loves them. He climbs onto the little set many times and day and even uses them as toys as he stacks the furniture and toys on the furniture. He likes eating a snack there. It is great! I am hoping it will help ease boredom this winter and create an area that will foster learning as he is starting to really progress in language and labeling body parts, etc.

Just this morning he sat in his high chair pointing to things he could see and half jibber jabbering and half saying his words. He would point and label using the correct word and then continue in his own language and describe what it was. At one point he pointed to the ceiling, made the airplane sign and talked about that and then made the choo choo sound and followed suit. What a crack up.

His vocab, went from about 3-4 words to the following list in about a week or so

-bo bo (boomer)
-choo choo (high pitched like a train)
-hot (in a whispered voice)
he blows when he sees a candle or lighter
-no no no (if he is repeating me when he gets in trouble)
-na na (banana-his favorite food)

and when he wants to listen to music or watch a video he talks in a little sing songy voice and opens his eyes wide. Most adorable.

He will follow vocal sounds i make (like going going low to high or vice versa) in a singy voice and it is fun game we play in the car and on walks. this age is hard in its own way but I am starting to enjoy it too. Especially because he is starting to entertain himself a bit more and communicate more

1 comment:

Backwoods Browns said...

I love when they can communicate . When they start, it never stops. It is so fun to watch them grow. Also....playrooms are AWESOME!!