Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's about time, huh?

So I know it's been way toooooo long since I have posted...I apologize! Things have been quite busy around the moon household. As we have been preparing for our trip that starts in the next few days there have been many things to put in order to make sure all is well while we are away. Lindsay and I both have had to arrange and get things done for our callings in our church so that things don't fall by the wayside.

Also we have been getting things prepared in the house so that the moon babe has a good welcome home. And to be honest so that when we come home I don't have to do a ton of cleaning and setting up of things.
So if you look, you will see our home is transforming into one where a baby will be in a few weeks! The car seat on the end table waiting to be put in the car for the road trip home!
Hooded towels for a nice warm bath. Mmmm we love baths at the Moon house, hopefully moon babe will too!

A diaper station amongst our books in the living room. A friend gave me the idea and I loved I won't have to go upstairs every time I need to change the diaper and plus I did it so that once moon babe gets older they can get into it and I won't have to worry. I am starting to think about how to baby proof our house, this was a small step!

A beautiful quilt that my grandmother made for moon babe and sent to us! I love love love it! For the past couple of years I have said that these are the colors that I wanted our nursery to be, it is totally neutral and unique and you can punch in any other bright colors to go with it. But you see now I am torn.....I still love those colors but also love the colors of our pack n play. I can't decide which way I want to go. Either way though, I love this blanket and it will get great use from the moon babe!!! Thanks Grandma!

The starts of the packing! I will be sharing my suitcase with little moonie so as you can see I won't have much space, but I am totally fine with that! It has been fun laundering and picking things out and packing for the little one...ok so the laundry wasn't that fun but I know I have got to get used to more laundry! Lindsay and I ordered slings off the internet that are to be delivered to his parents house that we will pick up on our way over to Europe and we can't wait! Lindsay has been fun to watch as he has shown more excitement! It went from being really casual and not saying much about it all unless directly asked to now he picks things out at stores and plays with some of the stuff we have to wanting his own sling! We thought at first we could just get one sling that we could share but the one adjustable one that we found was still too big for me. So then we looked online and found ones that fit according to your body size. I am glad that Lindsay is so excited to help out with the moon babe and play with our little one.
He is honestly going to be such a great father! He has such compassion for people and totally knows how to lift people's spirits! He will set a wonderful example and show his amazing patience as he helps to teach our children good values, morals, and lessons. I am looking forward to co-parenting with him and know that we will draw closer together as a couple as we do so. I also know that parenting is hard work and that there will be tough times but I know that if we work together and do things to help one another out like we have done to have our successful marriage that it will all work out!
In my last post I was really nervous about becoming a mom, excited but nonetheless nervous. I can honestly say that those feelings have left me. I know I am not perfect nor will I ever be but I have complete peace that I will be able to mother and be successful. I know that my Heavenly Father will guide us as we parent and I am just so grateful for the opportunity that my insides are about to burst out! I have had total insomnia as of this week as I lay in bed thinking about how excited and happy I am, how I can't wait to meet S and some of her family, how I can't wait to hold moon babe for the first will be grand!
I am hoping the insomnia will stay so that when we get to Germany my body isn't as messed up as I am expecting it to be. I know that I will be running off of adrenaline and happiness which will help, but I wonder when that will fade into dead exhaustion. I am glad that we will be able to go home to our families when we get back so that we can visit and receive help that will be nice to have.
Oh and this last weekend we held another yard sale at one of our ward members homes and it was rockin' awesome! I didn't expect much out of it because it's mid january and cooler here and there haven't been any garage sales in a few months but we were able to raise a little more than double of our first sale. Lindsay and I have been so amazed at the ward that we attend here in California, the people have been so helpful, encouraging, and warm...we could not have asked for a better ward! I only hope that in time we will be able to return the favor to everyone who has helped us with this adoption whether it was help with donations, or sales, or just being there for us as we have been going through our exciting journey!
I will warn you that the next month in posting will be sketchy! I will do my best to post pictures and give updates on the travels and little moonie's arrival but I am not sure how available I will be to the computer.
Updates on adoption logistics are great! We have flights and things in order to get to Germany. S will pick us up and we will be able to meet and chat. Appointments have been made for the babe's passport and birth certificate...we have been blessed with a cell phone that we will use while over there from our blessed birth father B....placement paperwork has been gone over and other paperwork faxed in that will be needed upon return on our end....S seems to be hanging in there and doing details have been worked out (we will arrive after baby is born and S has spent time with him/her).....what more could we ask for? We have been extremely blessed as this adoption has unfolded and feel comforted in the power of prayer. Everything has fallen into to place so well and hope that labor and delivery go as smooth as possible for S and her child. We hope that her recovery is speedy and goes well also. Please keep her in your prayers as well as us and her child that the timing and health will all be well. We appreciate it!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update. I've been waiting a praying for your new addition. We are so excited for you and I too love the colors in the quilt! Congrats!

bekki said...

I'm so excited for you. I can't wait for you to meet S. and Moon babe. You will be a great Mom. Good Luck

Cory and Becca said...

yeah! I am so excited for you and I have been thinking about how you have been I am glad you updated!! :) Everyone kept telling me before our baby was born to get sleep becuz you won't afterwards (which is true)..but just like you I had total insomnia over the excitement and joy of having a little just can't help it! :) OH, and I am totally impressed with your organization skills..can I hire you for my house?! :) Happy travels!!

Backwoods Browns said...

How exciting how EXCITING!! It will be such a wonderful time for you both! I am also soooo glad you updated! I couldn't remember when the big time was! I hope things go perfectly for all involved!

Jarom & Corinne said...

I have been waiting for this post forever, hoping that everything would work out! We are so happy for you and cant wait to hear and see how everthing goes. I love the quilt grandma made, those are the colors of our bedroom,lol! You have great taste, it must run in the family! Love you, we keep you in our thoughts and prayers allways! Love corinne

chelsea mckell said...

Great update! I hope you have a little time to do more as this fabulous adventure continues… it’s so fun to hear about!
And excellent packing skills – my bags always look like they went through an earthquake.