Monday, May 12, 2008

Going where?

All right, so I haven't had a computer in forever and don't really have the right to post at work but I am on my lunch hour and thought I would get a quick one in while I could. Our lives have been thrown upside down with every emotion in the last month or so.

-We were officially approved for adoption with our profile going out.

-I was a great advocate for adoption and was able to change our agency policies at my work surrounding time off for those adopting. I must add I created a great argument to the Board of Directors about the importance of visits with social workers, etc. to take appropriate time off without using vacation hours! And I heard that only one person in the quorum of decision makers was opposed!

-Lindsay and I found out that we are receiving orders to move to Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California!!!!! We leave in just a couple of months..............

-Thereby we put our house on the market and are hoping that it will sell quickly and at a price where we won't end up upside down. Yikes and yet exciting all in the same sentence!

-Thus we also will no longer be approved once we get to Cali because we will need to pay some money, get new background checks done, and a new home study..................craziness..............the wait continues.

However, we will be in beautiful weather year round! We will have plenty of room for company to stay when people want to take a vacation and depending on how things go I may not have to work!!!!!!

On another note, this weekend my family and I went to coast of washington to visit with family and celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday with a party! It was so fun and nice to see people. Pics to come soon once my computer at home comes back.

Hope everyone else is doing well, I haven't even been able to check up on other people much. I have totally missed it. Enjoy this week!



Jill said...

Oh my goodness, what a stressful time! Way to be an adoption advocate though. Awesome. Maybe this move will lead you somewhere closer to starting your family. Good luck! I wish you the best!

Kasey said...

Holy Cow Som - I can't believe you're moving. How exciting!! At least it's a little closer to AZ - maybe someday sometime we can meet up. Good luck with the adoption (way to be strong)

Love Kase

Carlotta said...

call me a COMPLETE looser for not coming here IN FOREVER! I can't believe all that is going on. That will NEVER make sense that you need to redo everything. I protest that ! Way to go on fixing things at your work. That's awesome. How exciting. California. WOW! Definitely jealous of the weather there. So much going on and so many updates. It seems that way for everyone around me lately. Not sure what is going on. Life is for sure a highway, HA ;) ! That song fits well. Hope today treats you well.

Chris Grover said...

does it make you wonder just a little bit if there is more than one reason you guys are headed to cali? it will be sooo fun to see what the future holds for you guys!!! and i'm thoroughly jealous of the delicious weather you will be enjoying! grrrr on having to redo your paperwork, though! no fun! what an exciting time of life!