Sunday, January 27, 2008

Our journey

So I realized the other day that I started this blog and have been posting but haven't really talked about who we are.....which is the name of our blog. So I thought that it might be a good idea to do that. First of all We both grew up here in Washington and love the outdoors. Our favorite is to go camping and both of us have even camped in the winter with snow and all. I would not say that is my favorite thing to do in the winter but I can say I have experienced it, more than once actually.

Both Lindsay and I grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and have been blessed tremendously by our faith. We were sealed together in the Spokane Temple 4 years ago and know that we will be able to enjoy our marriage through the rest of Eternity. We started trying to expand our family a year after we had been married and weren't sure how things were going to work out but had high hopes. After 9 months of no pregnancy and many dollars spent on home tests we decided to see a doctor concerning the issue. He did routine blood work and started the beginning steps of fertility treatments. I was on Clomid for a year with increasing doses every few months. HORRIBLE! I hated it, and although my cycle became regular I never seemed to feel like myself. At the time I was in my first job out of College working in a residential center for at risk youth (runaways, homeless, foster kids), needless to say I had a lot on my mind. Soon after working for the Center I had started filling in at the administration building for the Agency I worked for and they offered me a part time job as the receptionist for Admin, and their drug and alcohol treatment center. So I decided that less stress would probably be best for my body and my spirit. So I quickly switched positions. I have stayed as the receptionist and moved into it full time. I enjoy working with the population of people that I would work with if I was using my degree but enjoy the fact that It's not as high maintenance.

So after a year of Clomid and a golf ball size ovarian cyst I asked to be taken off of it. They thought that was a good idea (those knuckleheads, throughout my medical journey I have felt like I have been the guiding hand with out the expertise). At that point Lindsay had been tested and found he had some of his own infertility issues. Seemed like our bodies weren't made to create babies. From there I asked for a referral to a higher level fertility specialist and again bloodwork was done and they found (or so they said) a brain tumor....YIKES! I completely and utterly felt like my body had failed me, like my divine purpose had been taken away from me, rock bottom is where I was. So I once again went on another medication until this fall. I thought Clomid was bad but let me tell you this one was worse. For two months I took it at night because it would make me dizzy after I took it. There is a whole list of other things it did as well but that is beside the point. I ended up taking a medication to go with that one to help with side effects. So after that we pretty much decided to give the whole fertility try a rest. Emotionally we were shot, we would have days where one or the other would sit and cry and explain our frustration.

We comforted each other with the fact that our love for each other stayed the same regardless of how messed up our bodies were. That we would still be there for the other. You see up until this point we hadn't even told our families that we were trying to start a family.....we were still dodging questions. It was not fun, I wanted to yell out at the roof tops how much I hurt, I wanted to call my mom or anyone else to gain strength, but at the same time I didn't want them to worry, I didn't want more questions about things I wasn't ready to talk about. Finally we told our Dads and had them come to our house and give us Father's Blessings, wow what a release. It was like a huge cloud had been lifted. It was at this time we didn't really know where we were going to go from there and didn't really want to think about it for a while.

In March of 2007 we decided to start looking into adoption, we had our doubts, our questions, and our hope and motivation. We met with our first social worker who put some of our doubts to rest and inspired more motivation. Lindsay and I went home and decided to pray and think more about it. Adoption we felt was the answer to our prayers. So we started the process, but we still had issues and grieving to get through. We needed time to understand the process better, for me I needed to be able to solely focus on adoption and not on my getting pregnant. With the brain tumor I needed to make sure all was well even though they said the tumor was benign. It has been a year of much growth.

I now understand the atonement of Jesus Christ and his great blessing for us on a much deeper scale. It affects everyone in so many ways, I have learned it doesn't just help us when we have made poor choices and want to repent but it helps us and everyone else with everything, it is the reason for everything. I love my Savior with my whole heart and know that I would not be at peace with our decision without his influence.

So here we are a year later with our paperwork filled out, turned in, and our home study complete and brain tumor as well as medication gone! I still struggle with not knowing whether I can or will get pregnant but I am ready to continue on this path that has been set before us. I can't wait to see Linds with our children. He is so amazing! This last week his Sister was in town with her two girls and he was holding Azura (14 months) with so much ease, it was like he had been doing it forever. So welcome to our lives and our story I hope that you enjoy it and that it may help someone at some point.

*since this is such a long post.....I will post the pic of Us, our nieces, and Chelsea-Lindsay's amazing Sister!


Carlotta said...

This is GREAT! Thank you for sharing SO much. I love blog hopping but I find myself much more intrigued when something personal, and or meaningful is shared. Thank you again!

Kasey said...

Hey Som - I know you've shared bits and pieces with me but reading the whole story makes me feel like an awful friend. You have a hubby to console you, but I wish I could have been more supportive. Anyway, you're a strong women. I think I'd be a crazy mess. I'm so excited for your adoption. I'm sure you think about that mystery baby all day, where it is, how far along the mom is, or how old it is, boy, girl, etc. How exciting. I'm also envious of your scrapbook area. Mine is kept under the bed and then I have to pull it out and put it away everytime I want to do it. Frustrating. So I miss you, thanks for sharing
Love Kase

Chris Grover said...

I am so glad you were able to share your experience and your feelings. It's not easy to do, I know. From my experience, the desire of being able to get pregnant has never really left me (nor do I think it ever will) but adoption has given me the most incredible new hope and excitement that has really helped to temper those hard and hurtful feelings. And it really is neat to be able to look back at your journey, especially with your spouse, and to see the blessings that have come along the hard road as a result of what you have had to go through. I am so excited to watch this new leg of your journey unfold! It is such an EXCITING time in your lives!!

the splendid life of us... said...

I love that you have shared your feeling and experience with all of us!
My life montra(sp?)is "Blessings come through trials!" And I truly believe that, because I have experienced it many times over in the last 7 years!
I am really excited that you are on your voyage to adoption!

Jill said...

My name is Jill. I found the Rhouse blog recently(love it!) and through that Carly found my blog, and through her blog I found your blog! Funny how blogging gets spread...but I just read through some of your posts and we have ALOT in common. First off, I have to say you and your husband are so cute and you have such strength. My husband and I were married in the SLC temple 8 years ago and have not been able to get pregnant either. Infertility sucks huh! It hurts so bad and I don't think it will ever get easy. It's so nice to have other people to talk with that "understand!" I am so sorry for you pain and I know 100% how you feel! A few years after we started trying we decided adoption was right for took alot of faith for me though because like you have mentioned it wasn't what I had ever planned. But now I can say it is the most amazing experience ever and I know the Lord directed us to our birthmother and it was the best thing for us, and her. I love my son more than anything in this world and wouldn't trade him for 10 biological children if I had the option. Adoption is a wonderful thing and I hope you will be blessed with that experience in your life...or somehow overcome your infertility. I just wanted to say hi and let you know I would love to talk to you about anything, anytime if you want. I know we are complete strangers but are connect through the gospel and our experiences!!
Good luck! I hope the best for you. If you want to check out my blog you can.
Talk to you later!!