Sunday, January 27, 2008

Less Than A Month to go!

*side note* the above picture is from the gift that Lindsay's mom made for me for Christmas. I took a couple of other pictures but they didn't turn out clear. We have a nice camera but as you can see.....I am not so great on it and don't have the patience to learn.

All right so I have much to blog about so I think that I may do a few different posts otherwise this would be humungous and not everything relates. So as far as normal events in the Moon Household...........our home study for adoption was on friday afternoon. I have no idea why (or maybe I do, the fact that someone is coming to djudge your home and lifestyle) but I was really nervous leading up to the visit. Lindsay was too although I don't know if he would admit to it. I spent last weekend with Haley and she helped me to organize our upstairs so that we could move our room up there and a baby into our current bedroom once placement happens. Plus it just felt so good to get everything put into a spot and have room to do scrapbooking without having to have it all over the dining room table. I wish I had before pics but here are a couple of after shots. I love the way my skinny bookcase is filled to the max, I love to read and my goal one day is to have a small library in my house where my family can go to relax.

Throughout the week Linds and I did chores and got the house all nice, we filed our taxes and are waiting for our return. We decided to buy some emergency preparedness stuff with our return money which feels really good, we are pretty close to the goal that we have for ourselves.

So the social worker came and went, after talking with him I thought that we would be able to be approved by the end of January but he says it will more likely be into February. I am not sure why we turned in the rest of our paperwork and so all he has to do is type up our homestudy, I hope that he is not going to procrastinate it. But at least we know that by the end of next month we will officially be able to welcome a placement into our home. We hope the air force keeps us here at Fairchild AFB long enough to get placement.

So onto this weekend, it has been snowing like crazy. I don't think that it has stopped since the wee hours of friday night. Just at my parents house 15 minutes north of us they got about 4 inches just while we were there for a couple of hours last night. Linds has shoveled a few times today. Here are pics of him shoveling and one to try to show you the depth of it from the sidewalk. Church was canceled everywhere today except our ward had a short sacrament. I am glad that we were able to participate but everyone else got to stay home while we forged through it all. You see Spokane is horrible at taking care of their roads. There are a million and a half potholes everywhere all the time. They are actually trying to make studded snow tires illegal since they contribute to pot holes. In the summer they do all the construction and block almost every road. And you would think that they would do it strategically so that it would still be easy to manuever through the city but no they dont care if they block every northbound street. It is truly ridiculous. This morning at 10 am when church started there was still no plowed roads or sand put out. Are they trying to kill people?

This winter has actually been like the winters Lindsay and I had when we were kids here. We used to get about 6 feet of snow and you shoveled tunnels to your car and home. I remember building a snow city in our backyard with half a dozen igloos with my brothers and we actually fit in them and had a jail for if you threw snow balls at other people's igloos and such it was great. Lindsay one time sledded off the roof of his house into the street because the snow was so high that there was hardly a drop. Pretty crazy huh? So for us this winter has been nastalgic, it's been wonderful. The past 7-8 years though the winters have had hardly any snow compared to now and just been blah. It's always pretty dark and depressing here in the winters since they are long and the sun doesn't make an appearance too much but I think that the snow makes it all better. It is beautiful to watch fall and is fun to play in. It's not fun to play outside when it's freezing and all you have is ice. I love to curl up in sweats and read on days like today.
Anyhow I need to get going to a dinner date with my family but I will come back later to post my other things, I need to get some of it off my chest and I also want to let you all know a little bit more about us. Talk to you soon!

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