Thursday, December 20, 2007

Prayers NEEDED

Hi Everyone, I would love it if anyone and everyone would be willing to say a special prayer for Lindsay, his crew, and all those involved with the military. The crew that was on their way to replace Lindsay's, damaged their Jet while landing in England.......thus they will not make it to the Middle East to let Lindsay and his crew come home. A prayer for those making decisions to make them and bring our men home safely and quickly would be great. As of right now it sounds like they won't be home until after Christmas. So all prayers for Lindsay's quick return home along with the rest of his crew would be much appreciated. The pilot and his wife are from Australia and they have family that flew in from Australia to spend the holidays here, so they would love to be able to spend time together as you can imagine.

Soooo please please please, and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!


the splendid life of us... said...

Of course!

Amanda said...

My prayers are with you!

Chris Grover said...

Oh man, not the news you want to hear, I'm sure! I hope it all worked out ok -- many prayers heading your way!