Monday, December 10, 2007

Almost there!

So this is a picture that Lindsay's family and I took last night to email to him. Lindsay had a rough weekend in his neck of the woods and ended up with little sleep and a grumpy mood. So we decided to cheer him up with a family photo. It was a lot of fun! And look how big Lola is getting, I can't believe it, I don't want her to get big yet, cause I want Lindsay to be able to play with her while she is still small, but I can't stop nature huh?

Alex was trying to look mad because he misses Lindsay so much and Lindsay only emails me. Haley (his wife) tried to tell him that I am more important to email, but he jokingly does not agree. Lindsay and Alex are inseperable, luckily it has been a great bonding experience for Haley and I and we are best friends also. Well I guess the boys are really lucky that Haley and I get along so well. She and I spent a lot of saturday making christmas presents, it was so much fun. I would show you pics, but I think some of my family lurks around the site, so that would spoil it all!
Today I met with our social worker again, I did my individual interview. Talk about feeling like you are in the hot seat! I know the reasons why everything is done, but it still feels invasive sometimes. I guess I just want to present myself in the best possible way but you have to talk about some not so great things. I of course being the emotional gal that I am cried throughout......luckily I did not get a crying headache though but I did expect that. Our social worker seems like a good guy, hopefully this whole approval stuff will go fast when Linds gets home.
And on thursday we celebrate our 4th wedding Anniversary! I am so proud of us! Unfortunately our anniversary doesnt really get celebrated being as money is spent on Christmas stuff, but one day we will be able to go on a trip to a warm place like our honeymoon (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) and it will be Grand!
Today I also ordered the family gift for Lindsay's mom, it is going to be spectacular, I am chomping at the bits for that gift. This holiday has been unique for me but it has been good. I am excited to just spend the holiday with family. Oh and I must say that I am so thankful for all of you who have blogs, I truly feel like it is like a support group, up here in Washington FSA isn't as big and LDS services dont have classes or anything, so it has been wonderful to hear your stories and receive comments. I love it, I love that no matter where you go the church is the same, that adoption is similar for each family. I am thankful for my friends who have lended an ear, who have just spent time with me and Lindsay, and for my neighbors who have been wonderful while Linds has been away. He has snowplowed my sidewalk and walkway and around my cars each day that it has snowed. I am so blessed!
Anyhow not much more to say, I have been busy and not much time until my love comes home. Hope you all are enjoying this season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Som - I always get homesick this time of year. I wish I could be there just to chat (and enjoy snow). Your blog is great, I love knowing what's going on.
Love Ya! Kasey ,h bnibygxln b (that's from Carson - he loves to grab the keyboard)