Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Only a few more days!

Crazy stuff! So Lindsay got the waiver we were needing to be able to continue life as a Boom Operator. We are so grateful for that. But with that comes the deployment . He will be leaving on Monday for two months and should be home on Christmas Eve.....Hopefully, you never know with the military. I am not excited for him to be gone for that long, but this deployment will actually be good for our family. Lindsay will most likely re-enlist while he is over there for another 6 years and we are thinking that we would like the make a career out of the Air Force.

So this week, we have about a million things to do to get him ready and what not. So I feel like we are both running around with our heads cut off. But it will get done and all will go well. I tried to get my blog recently and a weird site came up, so if any trouble checking this out would you let me know, whether in the comments section or in an email? That would be great!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, and I will keep everyone updated on deployment stuff. Although I must admit, that most of the time not much happens on Lindsay's end, aside from the fact that he works his rear end off over there. So it may not be too exciting but regardless I wil let you all know.

1 comment:

Beth said...

That's great news! We have been hoping that things turn out the way you want them. Hope everything gets done and that you have fun preparing.