Monday, February 20, 2012

I am a cheater

Some people ask me about cooking in Australia. Cooking is the same but there are some major differences. First and foremost.......they measure, like most of the world in the metric system. That completely was confusing to me and took me a while, I feel like I am just starting to be able to visualize some of the measurements, but really I found this lovely cheat sheet in the back of one of my cookie recipe books. I copied and it sits on the door of my pantry along with christmas cards that we received.
 I seriously use this chart nearly every day. I use it for measurement and to know how hot to turn on my oven when i cook. And I have a convection or fan forced as they call it here and that also took me a while to figure out. Cooking was very stressful and frustrating for me in the beginning before I found this sheet. It is far too expensive to just give up and go eat out and we didnt get our home goods until 2 months of being here. Yes sometimes I googled things but it didnt all fall together until I found this easy fix.

And yes thoes were teddy grams you saw sitting on our pantry shelf and no you can not get those here, they were a wonderful treat sent in a care package from grandparents. Lots of the typical american kids snacks are not here, fine by me. I do miss them a bit but really erik is now accustomed to being handed carrot sticks (they also dont sell baby carrots here, I do all the work, and yes it is annoying sometimes but mostly makes me feel like supermom-I am entitled to that feeling right?), cut up fruit, and other veggies. On a good day he gets something similar to a cereal bar and he does a happy dance and quote says "oooohhhh likey likey" That also makes me feel like super mom : )

1 comment:

Liz said...'re much braver than I am! If I had to learn the metric system to cook, I might just give up and rely on eating out 24/7 to feed my family!

You go girl!!