Thursday, December 29, 2011

Washington trip

So getting back to our hometown was quite the ride. We had an awesome couple days flying. When we landed in Seattle we still had a 6 hour drived ahead of us. We were debating staying overnight and driving in the next morning or driving through the night. We decided on the latter. My throat felt a bit scratchy but just thought that maybe it was because of all the recycled airplane air and going from a humid climate to dry. we drove through the night, arrived at my parents house and all slept in late the next day. My throat was killing me. I was disapointed that maybe I was getting a cold. As the day wore on I was freezing and sitting by the fire my dad had made, everyone else was warm and super cozy....I had a fever.....blah! I was bummed...there were so few days we were going to be with family and I didn't want to be laying on the couch like a potato for those few days. Through the night I got more sick, vomiting, and the next morning my throat worse than I have ever felt. I went to the doctor and lucky me.....I had strep throat. Then I was worried Erik and Lindsay were going to get it, that would be bad news. But luckily I got antibiotics and some good nurturing from my mom and I was well on my way to recovery. Well to be honest it still really hurt to eat, talk, swallow, but I didnt want to let that hold me back.
So onward and upward....Erik and his grandma made cookies
I sat with my dad and went through some family history documents
Erik was a bit of a goof
Then we went to Lindsay's family's house and Erik reunited with his bestie and cousin Zoey. They played the piano and she tried to sing but got very frustrated that Erik was loud and obnoxious while she was singing sweet church songs.
This is her scholding him for his cute!
Lindsay got to meet a nephew that Erik and I got to meet earlier in the year when we were here. Landon is exactly what I imagine a son of ours would look like if we had a biological child. Is it not blaringly obvious to everyone else that these two look alike? Even Landon looks like Lindsay did as a baby. It was fun to see him interact this trip.
The two after a long day of playing and craziness settled in for a movie. These two were so comatose sitting there and Erik was obviously very relaxed.
Lindsay enjoyed a game of Jenga with his youngest brother and they got it all the way until they basically won. There were no more levels to build or take away from....pretty impressive

We had a thanksgiving celebration with both sides of our family which was so nice even thoguh it was early. Haley did the turkey and was a bit unsure about pulling things out of the carcass.
The twins again
It wouldn't be a thanksgiving celebration without some relaxing
Wendy and Isaac.....and we met her newest baby Summer for the first time this trip, unfortunately we didnt take pictures of her sweet face.
The adult table feasting! It was so much fun. These are the major pictures from the trip but we also did some shopping and lots of hanging out. We spent some time with Lindsay's fmaily and even got to visit with his sister and her family one night. Ahhhh, it was such a nice trip. Well then Erik got sick vomiting one night which wasn't very fun but no strep throat...well until we got home...Lindsay got it then which is a whole other story...

To get home we it took us more days than we anticipated. To make a long story short.....we spent a few days waiting in Seattle....flew to Hawaii....spent a day there....flew to Sydney...stayed a night there in a historic bed and breakfast that was over a hundred years old.....flew home. It was one big awesome adventure. And I am only saying that because now it is over and I dont have to worry about how many more nights we will have to pay for a hotel or where we are going to sleep or how to get a ride where we need to go. Hindsight is always 20-20 so they say.

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