So Erik and I made it back to California on a nice sunny 80 degree day. It was beautiful and my thick socks and boots along with three pieces of luggage, a carryon, and a sleeping toddler in a stroller made me nice and sweaty upon arriving. Luckily I didnt have to go too far from baggage claim to where my sweet friend picked me up. I knew I picked to fly into the small burbank airport for a reason :) Well plus it's the best one to drive to from where we live. Anyhow.
Our trip to Washington was lots of fun spent with lots of family. I am so glad that we made the trip. Especially for Erik's sake who now knows his grandparents individually and even one set of great grandparents. He knows cousins and aunts and uncles and had a tendency to yell out whoever he could think of or who he knew was home and continuously say their name. I get it all the time and it was nice to share that with them. He was constantly yelling our Bri Bri for his auntie Brittany who stayed with my parents part time as well and has a new found love for he Papa Moon. Ok maybe not a newfound love as much as an obsession. I couldn't ask for anything more precious. He loved going on errands and doing manly things with Grampa Spinelli and playing silly games with Grammy Spinelli. With Nana it was watching videos and talking about what was happening. Each did something unique with the little man that bonded him and their relationships. That was the main purpose of the trip and I was so glad for that. PLus we weren't as lonely always being with other people.
Towards the end of the trip Erik's sleep schedule was way off the rocker and I pretty much gave up on the usual plan of action. NOt because I was lazy and tired although I will admit to being both of those, but because we had moved houses and he is still young enough he doesnt fully understand that just because daddy left for a time and that he will come back or that mommy will stay and not leave he was deathly afraid of me leaving him. For example the last weekend there we were at Lindsay's brother and his family's house for a birthday and baby blessing. On the first night Haley and I were going to run to the store real quick to grab some groceries for dinner. Erik, his cousin Zoey, and Papa were all outside playing and having fun. We rolled down the window said good bye and Erik said bye and then started whining. Haley asked if I wanted to just zip out of there so that he didnt dwell on the fact that I was leaving him for a short period of time (which normally he would be happy to go along with friends). I replied, yeah just pull forward and lets go. So she did and holy moly guacamole I have never seen that child run as fast and as hard as he did. I was watching backward and he ran out of their driveway and was running down the middle of the street faster than papa could catch him after the car with the most panicked look on his face. So we stopped and I got out and picked him up. His heart was beating so fast and hard and my heart broke a little so we threw him in Zoey's car seat and brought him with us. Poor little man. I think the only time I have felt someone's heart racing like that was when Lindsay proposed to me....that must have been where Erik got it from :)
So being in Washington was great but being back in our own beds and Erik's familiar environment has proved to be comforting. He almost immediately went back to his normal sleep schedule and sleeping in his own bed rather than mine. He still wakes up once a night and wants me to come in to make sure I am there. I just have to tell him that I am here and that I need to sleep in my bed down the hall and he rolls over and sleeps until morning. I am a lucky girl.
Since being home it has been a mad dash to clean the house for our initial walk through with our landlord today. It has felt good to be motivated and get things done around the house. IT would have been better if she would not have come a half an hour early before I could finish cleaning up some last minute stuff to make the place look more aesthetically pleasing but it is what it is. You can't always win I guess.
Now we continue to clean, sell, dejunk, and get projects done, until Linds joins us and we all work towards the big move to Oz. I am already dreaming up what our new banner will say on the blog once we move.
For those who are asking about Lin.........he is still in Spain, still not loving nor hating it, and cant wait to wrestle with the little man. A favorite pasttime over the last two months on skype has been singing the itsy bitsy spider and Erik "sneezing" while Lindsay "gets blown across the room."