Thursday, December 9, 2010

Random bits

Recently Lindsay and I were able to get away for an evening and attend his wing's Christmas party. It was an enjoyable night with live music and we even won a gift certificate to Lindsay's favorite local restaurant.
This was a pic of us on Turkey day and while yes I have a huge scowl on my face I could not get rid of it because the sun was glaring right in my eyes. It was an interesting experience eating Turkey dinner outside but fun. We were able to spend time with my parents and our dear friends from Arizona.
On a side note: We thought we were going to have the opportunity to see S over the holiday weekend and I was so stoked. Unfortunately things wouldn't end up working out and let me tell you how bummed I was. I understand that she is at a point where she is moving forward with her life but I feel so spiritually connected to her and wish there were a way for me to have my cake and eat it too. She actually did want to see us and our schedules just didn't line up but oh how I wish we could see her more. I never in a million years thought that I would feel that way towards our birth mother before we experienced the adoption but I really feel something deep inside that we go way back before this life together. I hope she enjoyed her holiday and spent it with important people close to her heart.

Erik played with Grandma in an ikea bag. He didn't want to get out and I ended up toting him around on my shoulder for a while. I carried him in a sling a lot when he was small and I think it reminded him of it because his eyes were getting all heavy and he was super relaxed.

Erik also got to meet and play with this little guy. They are a month apart and after the initial jealousy of toys and such they got along great. They played in dirt, played with trains, and loved chasing each other up and down a hallway!