Wednesday, February 3, 2010

birthday bash!

oh we celebrated in style for the little man's special day. he even took it upon himself to disregard his naps.........who needs'em when its your birthday right? well considering he did do fantastic. Lindsay and i didn't want to go all and spend a bunch of money for his first birthday knowing that he won't remember it, but we still wanted to make the day known.
so instead i decided to have a themed day. i dressed him in his airplane sweater that grandpa chuck and grandma noni sent to him for christmas. we read plane books all day at our usual reading times.
then for dinner he got a plane cake all to himself. don't look too closely......i am not a baker. baking is too detailed and scientific, i like cooking where you can pretty much change anything and it wont ruin it.
oh and i forgot to tell you that we made (yes, lindsay is the artist of our family so he both cut the cake and drew the plane for the crown) him a special birthday crown with supplies on hand.........which lasted about a half a second. and the cake was devoured in less than that i think.
i tried to upload the video we took of him getting into the cake, but it is too big of a file and would have taken all day, so pictures will have to suffice. he loved throwing it, double fisting it into his mouth, and mashing it in his chubby little fingers, oh he loved it! he was even feeding it to lindsay and i. boomer had a hay day as well.mmmmm cake, you want some?
oh our little man and us as well had a grand day. it was so fun! nothing beats fun times with the fam. i haven't taken erik in his for his one year appointment yet, but he was in the doctor last week for his bronchitis and he is in the 41% for his weight and i didn't catch the height, although he is usually above average. see i am telling you he is not as chubby as you think. everyone always talks about how he is big for his age. he is tall for sure, but he is not fat, although if you saw how well he eats- i guess you would think he is overweight.
he is our little star


Cristin said...

I love the cake and the hat!! I can't believe he is 1 already. What a cute kid! It's only a matter of time now before he's running all over the place.

Cory and Becca said...

Happy Birthday to your little man! Time goes by way too fast, eh?! Congrats on your finalization and sealing too!!
Adoption loves,

Backwoods Browns said...

OH I love 1st Birthday's! THe cake eating, or should I say destroying is great! He is so cute! I love the theme too! What great parents you two are :)

DeAnne said...

that is a really cool cake! what a cute little guy.

chelsea mckell said...

So cute!