Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the big day(s)

first it involved this sweet and special boy

this great lawyer who has been heaven sent is currently on a church service mission to help lds adoptive couples

this awesome judge who happened to attend BYU but is not lds

and this beautiful building where all the magic took place. erik giggled the entire time while we were being sealed together as a family for eternity. he definitely knew what was going on and got excited the second he was being taken to the altar. he kept grabbing lindsay's hand also. it was AMAZING! I dont remember anything our sealer said because i couldn't take my attention away from little man.(i chose to post this picture so you could see his little suit better. i am scowling because it was so bright outside. his suit was made from my wedding dress and had lots of sentimental value...we also had hankerchiefs with s and b's initials that lindsay and i carried with us through the temple to honor them out o fmy dress as well)

we couldnt have asked for more


Unknown said...

COngrats to your family. HOw special to have the suit from your dress, and I love the honoring of S and B. Erik looks so happy.

Elizabeth said...

So amazing. I am so excited for you.. What lawyer did you use I have a friend in the same situation.

Jarom & Corinne said...

Congrats on the big day! What an awesome experince, I am so happy for you guys. And thats such a cool and special idea about making your dress in a suit and hanker chiefs for s and b thats such a sweet idea. Love it and am so happy for you guys!

Cristin said...

Oh, seeing that picture of him in front of the temple brought tears to my eyes! I'm so happy to hear that it was a good day. Hopefully Erik will get over bronchitis fast and we can get together soon.

Ylfe said...

He looks so precious in that little suit! how special that it's from your wedding dress! wow!