Wednesday, January 25, 2012

christmas part III

Heres to hoping we can get christmas all covered in this post so I can move on to other things going on. I know I could interject other thoughts in between but I really just want to get the holiday on here and move forward. Seeing as we do have a rather fun birthday coming up next week!

So while down in Surfers they had a santa set up and you could take your own pics and there was no charge or anything, it was quite cool actually. Santa sat in a boat pulled by Kangaroos. Erik has entered a phase where he decides to be ultra shy at times and sometimes a bit anxious when attention is directed to him by a stranger. He had already gotten official pictures taken with santa this season so it wasnt his first encounter but for some reason he was really hesitant to say hello. We told him we would go up as a family. He decided to cuddle as close in to my neck as he could while in line.....can't really say I was minding, I love it when he cuddles up into and makes me feel needed and nurturing.
 So we went up as a family. Mind you this was on a whim, we didnt plan this outing, we were walking back from the beach to our rental, thus the togs (or swim attire for you americans). Erik was still not having it, trying to squirm away.
 And then we stopped posing and started talking, this is him explaining what he wanted Santa to bring the very moment the picture was taken he was saying, "um...golden eggs." Yep my son was asking for golden eggs from this year, that is all he wanted and would respond with that every time. Might have something to do with the fact that Jack and the beanstalk is his favorite story, Easter this last year was his first holiday he understood and got excited about (easter eggs anyone) and his favorite candy is a chocolate kinder egg. He love eggs! So a golden one....duh mom and dad that would be the cherry on top.
Christmas eve we arrived back home from vacation. I ran to the shops to get food for the next few days (mass chaos, not something I will ever plan to do again), then we went swimming, and came in to open an ornament and pajamas. It might have been only 4 pm but come on Christmas is exciting! I think I was more excited this year than anyone, well until Erik realized it had arrived. He got an ornament with a "cocky" on it, he loves those birds. We even had one on top of our tree (it was a golf head cover) and now we have a new permanent tree topper that suits our family just right.
 placing the ornament on the tree....every time he placed one, it went in I didnt move them but there are about 10 ornaments within a three branch radius, mostly his favorites, like the airplanes and things. I also found cars and planes hidden in the tree when I took it down, such a boy!
 Awe, our tree. I added the bird and ribbon this year. I wanted to make our tree look just a bit fancy this year since we didnt have much space to put out decorations and that would be the major thing. But I dont have space to store things either, thus ribbon was perfect....fancied things up a bit, stores easy and small. This was christmas morning after Santa dropped off his goods
Our stockings filled with Christmas crackers and yes Erik was blessed, he did receive 3 golden eggs as a matter of fact. What a good little boy!
 We left tim tams out for santa with some milk. Santa was nice enough to leave a thank you note and a bit of biscuit. Erik thought that was the coolest to get the note and to finish off Santa's treat!

And like I said as parents we were stoked this year. The magic really came alive for us again. We woke before Erik and then went in and actually woke him up to record his
reaction. Normally I probably would have let him sleep but we needed to be done and ready to go to church by 9 so we woke him up around 6.

I am going to try to upload the video we took of him waking up Christmas morning...cross your fingers.

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