Monday, June 7, 2010

can't get enough

so, Erik does some the funniest and cutest things. Recently he started to put his mouth on the guitar tuning buttons while linds plays and will stop whatever activity he is doing to walk over and put his mouth on it. We are not sure why, we assume he likes feeling the vibration on his mouth, but it's funny!
And he has become the cutest little helper. He always helps unload the silverware (after I have removed the knives of course) from the dishwasher and like to help out with the yard work too! Shoveling, mowing, weeding, hosing, you name it he wants to take over! Bring it on brother cause in a few years, you will be expected to do some of those things.............any ideas on how to encourage it enough to keep the desire up when chores come around?
Just can't get enough of him!