Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas Holiday Part 1

I preface this post with telling you that I am not trying to drage our christmas a month late and into 50 posts, no blogger didnt want to keep uploading our pics. So I will put this in a few different posts highlighting our holiday leading up to Christmas day and the "BIG" event. It will make me want to pull my hair out a bit less. Sorry if this drags on. I realize that sometimes reading every detail of my life isnt always the most entertaining but we do live quite far from family and this is a way we get to stay in touch so sometimes posts are more for them and some are more journalings of my thoughts....which may or may not be decide that and keep it to your self!

We were lucky enough to score one of the Australian rental apartments down on the Gold Coast at Surfers Paradise for the week leading up to Christmas, we got to leave on Christmas Eve and that was great. I didnt have to plan a bunch of activities while we eagerly anticipated celebrating such a fun holiday (some days I think I was the most excited this year), although spending a week at the beach doesnt exactly make it feel more festive....oh well! We invited along another family to stay with us and we had heaps of fun!

The first full day there, our guests hadnt arrived and we were anxious to explore the area. We found an awesome park (Honestly I havent really found one I didnt like) that had a man made lake in the center you could swim in with exercise gear along the path going around so you could circuit train along with playground equipment = Awesome! Well towards the end our walk, Erik tooka  spill...not uncommon...he is quite a clumsly little fella. But he was un-con-sol-a-ble for TWO HOURS! Oh my goodness, we thought we were missing an injury like a broken foot or leg or something the way he was carrying on. But no just a totally skinned knee and the sight of his own blood. We finally forced a band aid and then laughed hysterically as he walked with a limp because he had a band aid on. If the band aid was off or covered to where he forgot about it he walked fine, as soon as one went on or someone asked him about the owie, back to whimpering and limping. I am hoping we can help him cope better as he gets older.

Showing his owie

 we have a park hopper pass to a water park, theme park, and sea world down here and they are close to surfers so we tried to get in some visits during the week. It was nice to go with friends too so that we could take turns watching kids to go on the big rides. Here EJ is wolfing down a sausage sizzler (hot dog)
 His favorites were the wave pool and the lazy river! Other than his traumatic skinned knee he really is quite a happy boy.
We took a little break towards the end of the day to let the other couple go on a ride with their oldest daughter, the little one was anxious about his parents leaving him so I was holding him and rocking him. Erik was unsure of that at first but then happily played near me.
 We had a great picnic at the park that evening for dinner. Most the parks around have electric grills and so we had taco bar...mmmm...I miss mexican the REAL deal. We are too far from mexico to have anything really good here, but there are a couple of places to do all right in a pinch.

One morning we took off to the theme park named Movie world. This wasn't Erik's and mine first time, the first time we came is where Ej's interest was sparked for Batman. He we are watching a car show where they do all sorts of stunts and cool things. There was a little old woman of a different nationality who kept standing at the cool parts to take pictures and honestly it was ticking me off. We would miss it, cause she would stand. Myself and others kept yelling over and asking her to sit so everyone could see but she wouldnt listen. Of course my husband who is the calmest man on earth didnt really care but man we were literally packed in there like sardines. They kept asking us to squeeze in and make room, it was a hot day, add humidity, add more hotness because of all the concrete and the practising cars (*totally off side note, if I start spelling my words differently, especially replacing s with c and vice versa it because that is how aussie's spell things and my brain doesnt remember which is the correct version anymore, somethings up there are starting to go to mush and I am sick of trying to keep the two cultures seperated). It was HOT! But the show was fantastic.
 They even drove three cars on two wheels for a bit.....way cool!
And that is where blogger/our Oz internet left me hanging on uploading photos. And so we will continue this together in part II. See ya then

1 comment:

Jerusalem Short Term Rentals said...

Thank you, thats very interesting information. I need to share with my friends.