Thursday, May 6, 2010


yesterday i appeared in court hoping to get a little sympathy and have my ticket reduced. Turns out there was no sympathy for anyone. I didn't even get to say anything other than "here" for a roll call and then my plea. Once I pleaded I was dismissed to go pay my fine. I was not the exception. I saw no one get a chance to explain themselves.

And the other weird thing was having everyone on the docket be in the courtroom at the same time so we all watched each other. Very weird and uncomfortable. I found their system to be inefficient and none of the court workers other than the cop escorting us in the be on time. What a you can tell I am not thrilled with my current state of residence. They nickel and dime people so bad it's no wonder we have so much debt (they can't not spend our money) and poverty.

California is a land of dreams.......smoke dreams if you ask me. It seems to me all the pretty and fun things like the beach, ocean, and palm trees are so minor compared to the rest of what is happening. HOnestly the only thing keeping me sane and ok with being here is that I love the people I have met and those that live around me. If not for them I would be miserable

there i said it and will be done for now.


Cristin said...

What a waste!! I am so sorry they didn't even reduce it. I would have been furious. Yeah, I'm starting to feel similar feelings towards California, which is really sad considering I'm like a 5th generation Californian. It just feels way too expensive to live here... and for what?!

Moon Family said...

That's why you move back to Washington and live by me! Enough said!