Friday, December 30, 2011

Random rant

I interrupt the regular report on news and events and ongoings of our families to rant a bit about honestly there are so many days where I think someone needs to pinch because I can't believe we live in such a beautiful and awesome place. We get to see so many things and are just in aplace where some people only dream about. But some days some things just get to me....our area is quite behind the times with some things compared to the thing that just chaps my hide sometimes....the internet. It is slower and when everyone is on it it slows even more or doesn't work. Like on christmas day when we were trying to call on the computer back to our families. I will not sit and complain more because we could all complain about a lot of things. But there is so much more to be thankful for....just had to rant a bit. And thus it might explain why I hesititate to update more often. Although if I really stayed up on the happenings it probably wouldn't cause such a problem.

Rant done...thank you


Wendy said...

LOL Sommer! Wow I think there was one negative sentence in there. Hardly a rant. It's good to see that you are trying to be optimistic about where you live even in your ranting. I just had to laugh about it. Now let's try this again and this time I was to read about some serious problems with Oz! (just kidding)

This Girl loves to Talk said...

apartments are notorious bad here (not sure why) i Had friends in a complex and the internet isnt even connected or something and you gotta purchase wifi dongle thingy to get internet. We on the other hand have pretty fast internet.. you can come and use ours!

The Hoffmans said...

I remember throwing a pen at our old laptop for being so DANG slow! Not necessarily slow internet, but an incredibly slow computer. ;) Anyway, I know that feeling of frustration, but just know how much better you are than me for handling your frustrations more maturely... I hope the internet speed kicks in and lets do whatever you need to do. =)