Monday, December 13, 2010

it's a holly jolly christmas

These were some super cute reindeer cupcakes that some friends dropped by last night along with a christmas card. I couldn't help but take a picture because they were so cute. Erik scarfed his down and tried to eat Lindsay's too.
For Family Night tonight we made a gingerbread house and used the LA temple as inspiration. It was fun especially since today we also are celebrating 7 years of marriage that have been wonderful! And although we were married in the Spokane temple, the temple is where our family started.

Here is our temple, complete with the reflection pool. And Moroni is not smoking I promise....Linds tried making a trumpet for him and this was how it turned out. Also we didn't have white icing so brown it was :)

This weekend we opened gifts as a family for christmas so that we didnt have to tote everything up to Washington and back. Erik got a big baseball thing and he loves it. It's funny how he gets so excited about things these days.
But you know the absolute best "toy" has been a dishwasher box that the plumber cut into a house for Erik. He loves knocking it over, using the windows as a basketball net, popping his head through said window, watching movies, crawling in and out, etc. etc. all time best entertainment for him and it was free! If you need ideas seriously go to home depot or whereever and ask for a large box to cut up. It will provide hours of the best fun!

And last but not least I thought I would mention that all these little ones were in my care today, two for half the day and the rest for the whole day. It was a mad house and I think only one child made it out alive without a bonk or blood, the rest fended for themselves nicely. It was fun and chaotic and I was glad when it dwindled down to just Erik.
Ahhh family!

1 comment:

birdeeb said...

I love the temple idea!!! SO CUTE!