Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's Time

I've decided that it's time to lose some weight. To hold me accountable I am going to post my progress on the last day of each month. For the month of June I started my diet with a healthy portion of fast food and gallons of soda. A change in diet and regular exercise could do a body body good. My stomach is so against the diet, it made me sneak one last piece of cheese cake while I was writing this. Here are the starting stats:
38.5 inch waist
228 pounds
My goal is to lose 30 pounds in three months.......now let's finish that cheese cake.


DeAnne said...

too funny! only a man would be brave enough to post pictures like that! good luck on the journey. i hope that cheesecake tasted like crap! J/K :) (i'm only jealous)

Backwoods Browns said...

Good luck with that!! Cheesecake is evil for me too! Good thing it was your last piece for a while!! hahaha :)

Unknown said...

Diets totally suck...you will do great!!!