Tuesday, July 8, 2008

T Minus 1 Day!

So everything is packed, the movers have come and gone. I think I have run about a million and a half errands in the past week, we spent a much needed relaxing weekend on my parents boat, I got the worst sunburn I have ever had (Each year it's like I get more sensitive) on my front side, oh but dont worry I wanted to be a dork and my back side didn't get nothin.' Oh well. So tomrrow is the day we pack up the car and skidaddle our way down to the sunny coast of Cali. It will be so exciting and fun but tonight saying good bye will not be so hot. I feel like I am ok saying good be to everyone but I hate seeing my family cry and I know there will be tears shed.

I will miss,
-the four seasons (all though spring and fall seem to be short lived)
-All our Family and Friends
-The hundreds of lakes, rivers, and bodies of water that surround our area
-The easy access to any outdoor activity that suits your fancy

I will not miss,
-The ssssllllooowww drivers
-The dark and looooonggg winters
-Our house (it was nice but not the smartest idea for us)


Woodrich Family said...

I am sooooooo happy for you to be embarking on this grand adventure. What an opportunity for you to be able to learn and grow! We all wish you the best that Cali has to offer you. Love you bunches and good luck in all you do!

Beth said...

Sommer!!!! I am so excited for you guys. New places are always a bit scary, but I think you'll love it there. You are such a cool person and I know people will be drawn to you. I missed seeing you on your last day here, but the BBQ and day of shopping was so fun.

Chris Grover said...

good luck on your move and the exciting new adventures ahead! i'm anxious to read all about it in the coming weeks!

Jarom & Corinne said...

Hey, this is your cuz Corinne!!! How are you? I have been trying to get your email from everyone, i was just about to call your mom, but i found it on Mitch and Cassie blog. How are you guys? Email me! or send me your email so i can talk to you! cutekim65@hotmail.com and our blog is www.thepurnellsblogg.blogspot.com Love you, corinne