Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"the call" and everything else!!!

All right so these are pics from my grandma's party, she is such a wonderful lady. The one above is her and I the day we got into to town at her house.
Mother and Daughter, people always tell us that we look like we could be sisters and I never really see it until I look at pics like this one. On a different note I hate how I always look like my eyes have turned into monsters with pics. To tell you the truth my pupils are abnormally large(perk is they never have to dialate my eyes), but whenever a picture is taken with a flash I look like I am stoned....completely horrible!
this is my older brother Nathan and my gorgeous niece Ahnna. I call her my mooshy face.

So a few things before I get to the main event..

-a few nights ago Snoqualmie Pass which is a mountain pass between here and Seattle got 12 inches of snow! It is June for crying out loud.... it has been such icky weather! I dont think we have gotten about 60 degrees in forever and other than today it has been cloudy and rainy and oh so dreary! I can not wait to be in sunny California even though it will be scorching hot when we get there.

-Yesterday was my last day at work. I was originally going to work until friday but the newly hired wonder ladies trained quickly and I had nothing left to do so yesterday we all had a big lunch at red robin and had sad good byes! I will miss my work and yet look so forward to the new adventure that is in store for us. It was nice to leave on such a good note and with a good purpose.
Lindsay asked me last night if it was going to be "weird" for me to be in a more traditional role at home. I said that I think the transition may take a little time but I think I will really enjoy it! I am excited that I can actually take time to cook a dinner and have it ready around the time he gets home instead getting home after him and scrambling to get him fed before he spoils his dinner with snacks (come on we all know our hubbies are a lot like kids in that manner), if I even made dinner at all. I am excited to home domestic skills and have time to practice before a little one comes along which may be a lot sooner than we imagined! So although the pace will be slower and the structure will be different it will be nice!

So on the BIG SHOW.....

A couple of weekends ago Lindsay and I got a message from a young woman that we know saying that it was really important that we get back to her as soon as possible. So when we got the message I called her back thinking that she was struggling and needing some support or help in some way. I left her a message and didn't think much of it. Well a couple of hours later as we were driving to a birthday bbq for a friend she called us and asked us if we would be willing to adopt her six month old baby girl! I was SPEECHLESS, not only was I completely not prepared for that, I was just SHOCKED, SCARED because we are about to move, SCARED that we don't have anything ready and would need to scramble, and ECSTATIC that she would want us to be the parents, it totally BLEW MY MIND! After talking with her a bit more about the situation I couldn't wait until monday to make the appropriate phone calls. You see I am not ready to share lots of details on the scoop but we are not a shoe in. Her and her husband are trying to get it to where we will be able to adopt her but there are lots of people and details involved. I got the call this monday that the appropriate releases were signed and hopefully as this unfolds we will be able to know one way or another if we will be able to provide there little girl with a home and parents who can raise her in the church. I am so excited! I know that they will look into the baby's best interest and that is the most I can hope for.

So PLEASE keep us in your prayers as well as these birth parents who are trying to do right for their family, and also the blessed little girl!

And don't worry I will keep you all posted as I get information that I can pass on.

Much love on this June afternoon!


the splendid life of us... said...

Wow, I hope and pray that all goes as it should!

Jill said...

Oh my goodness, I am on pins and needles waiting to hear more! How exciting and scary at the same time. I hope it all works out for the best. I know the rollercoaster of emotions you must feel! Good luck!!!!! I can't wait to hear the outcome.

Cassie said...

Oh my goodness I will be praying for you guys constantly! That is so exciting!!!

Amanda said...

Wow!! How exciting. I will be praying that things work out.

Chris Grover said...

oh my gosh, are you serious?! i am so excited right now! i will be anxiously checking your blog for the update and you will be in our prayers! good luck with everything! fingers and toes and arms and legs and eyes crossed for you!!