Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I have a confession to make

So I might have been a bad pet owner this evening, actually I really was one, a bad one. So in all of the years that we have had Boomer (3) I don't ever remember him going poop while on a walk, thus we never take baggies or anything with us because he doesn't like doing it on the go and having people watch him. So because I am used to that habit, tonight when I daringly took both of the dogs for a walk at the same time ( I know, I'm courageous) I didn't bring any with me. So we are walking along and Lola is giving me a terrible time while Boomer excitingly enough is walking very well on his leash and all of sudden instead of pulling hard to go forward, she is walking next to me and then behind me. I look back and she has been pooping as we are walking and I didn't notice. I feel bad, but not terrible because it's in the middle of the road, so while unsightly it's not in someone's yard. So I keep walking, then next thing I know we are close to grass and she finishes it off, and this time on the edge of someone's yard. I check my pockets just to make sure magically one had appeared but no. So I walk away embarrassed and knowing that I just did something a pet owner should never do. I have survived to tell you all, but I am not proud. Lesson learned.....Next time I will bring two bags! Just in case both decide to go.

And so I thought this walk would be good cause Linds left town yesterday and he is the best at exercising them and so since they lounge with me it would be nice to get some of their energy out and it's staying lighter out later......well I think I just amped up Lola!

Anyhow on another note, this weekend my friend Beth from our ward and myself are going snow camping with the Young Women from our ward. At first I was not that excited but now that she is going with me and the more I think about it I actually am really excited! I had a picture to post with me trying on a bunch of cold weather gear that I have the other night, but Lindsay took the camera with him. He was all cute, making me get everything out and trying it on before he left to make sure I had everything I need. Simply sweet!

This weekend I went to Time Out for Women and it was amazing!!!! I had a hard going at first because I walked in and about a million and a half women were pregnant or had small infants with them, but I took a couple of deep breaths and then I was good. The speakers were all amazing and Hilary Weeks and Mercy River were so awesome. Michael McLean was even there on Friday night and made a few shout outs on the adoption front with some of his song presentations! But I think the thing that hit me the most was that not only was it amazing to be with so many women of the same faith (remember I don't live in lucky Utah) but Hilary Weeks sang a song that she hasn't released yet but will be on her next album called "Just let me Cry" it talks about having a hard time and don't ask when, or why but just let me cry, it says the pain wont go away today and something about it being ok but today just let me cry. It was such a simple thing with all of the topics and speakers but so spectacular at the same time! Because that is exactly how I feel sometimes (although I am one who tends to hide away when I cry, but that is how I feel just let me be and support me through it but dont talk me out of it). It was awesome!


Jill said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by!
Funny story about the dogs...that is why we don't own pets for that very reason. I don't ever want to have to clean up their poop! lol

Sounds like time out for women was great!! I want to attend one so bad, they all sound awesome. What a cool song too. I can't wait to hear it. I love Hillary Weeks!
I'm glad you are okay with crying because it helps so much. Too many times I try to bottle it in and it just makes me more of a mess...but yet you want to act strong when you feel so weak. It's hard. But let it all out. You have every reason, and I'll be right there with ya soaking the floor too!!
I totally get it!
Hang in there :)

Cassie said...

Oh my goodness I wish I could go on a snow camp out!! I remember when we had our in YW, I had a blast!! I also wish I could go to Time out for Women. I have been once in Boise but I heard it was coming to Spokane, my sis-in-law actually went! I am glad that you enjoyed it, the Spirit is so strong in those meetings!!! I am glad we found each others blogs!!

Chris Grover said...

i am jealous of the snow camp-out, especially because you get to go with beth! how fun! that time-out for women sounds amazing! if it ever comes this way, i would love to go to something like that. what a pick-me-up!

Beth said...

Hah! I saw someone trying to look invisible while they let their dog poop on our lawn...I guess if we get a dog, I'll have to remember to bring extra bags.
I had a blast on the campout. The event itself was fun, but it was great to get to spend time with you. You made me laugh and smile so much. I would do it again even with my frozen toes.
I'm glad you felt support through the Time Out For Women program.