Monday, December 17, 2007

aren't they adorable?

All right so I havent been posting as much cause there is not much going on lately. I have been busy doing odd things like cleaning, helping out with our ward christmas party at church, made stockings this weekend with Lindsay's family, or decorated them rather. And tonight I could not help but snap up this adorable picture of our furry kids. Lola was spayed this weekend, and the poor girl was so loopy when i brought her home saturday night but she has been doing wonderful and she is so in love with Boomer as you can see. I think that she is growing on him too and she is definitely bonding with me now. She was so unsocialized that it has taken a while, but she is the best dog cuddler I think I have ever come across, oh my little ones.........I think I could go on forever about them. yes I am probably a bit overboard but they are so wonderful! Animals are amazing for your heart, they are so unconditional and frogiving and always happy and wanting to please. I cant say they are always fun to deal with or train, but I am guessing it is a lot like kids, so worth it. I can tell you that we will do whatever it takes to bring our dogs with us wherever the Air Force takes us.

And an update on Linds, he plane was diverted this weekend to a different Middle Eastern location due to bad weather at his post ( sorry I am trying to put this in Laman's terms so hopefully you can catch on). His crew ended up working a 24 hour day with a 16+ hour flight due to this, the poor guys. He said that once they landed they slept for 12 hours straight, good for them! So please pray for us that they will return safely and on time, I am worried that they will get stuck somewhere on the way home. I would really love for him to get home on monday as scheduled but you never know with the military, it is totally out of our hands.

Anyhow that is the Moon family update, hope you are all enjoying your last week before Christmas!!!!

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