Monday, April 14, 2008

Some fun pics!

All right so this was me trying on all my winter gear for Lindsay before I went on the campout. I was totally a black marshmallow girl, and I was so hot wearing it in the house!

This is from a hike that we did on saturday....the weather was beautiful and the dogs had a good time!
This picture is my favorite! Lindsay and I have the same hiking books in different colors and not only are they comfortable but whenever I see them they make me smile because I associate them with fun and outdoors!
This is a pic of Lindsay playing with his new found hobby stuff..............Guns! Yikes, I let him get a hand gun a year ago and it's been down hill from there. He is addicted to shooting, and as in the picture here, making his own bullets. His favorite thing is to measure out the gun powder. He is so my favorite goofball.
And this was me waiting for Lindsay to get the camera situated while on our hike. I didn't know he took it, but again the hike was beautiful one day I hope to have home here in the pacific northwest with huge picture windows to look at the beauty every day. I love it!

Good night to all!


All right so since it's been so long since I have posted I think I will do this in a list style this time. I like lists anyways, nothing feels better than knowing exactly what is there to do, and to be able to check things here goes

finishing out March....
-Lindsay went on another trip.
_I went snow camping and had an absolute blast! I stayed warm and got to ride snomobiles for the first time. I had my dear friend Beth from the ward come with me and it was so fun hanging out with her and talking. She is amazing. While we were riding snomobiles at first she was in front of me riding and she would kick up her heels over bumps and things, it was making me laugh out loud! So then when we were headed back I was in front of her and I was doing silly things also like when we were headed up a hill I leaned way back with my feet in the air kicking. It was such a riot!
-We finally got a letter in the mail stating that we are APPROVED OFFICIALLY!!!!! Our profile has been sent to all of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon! We are so excited. Our website isn't quite up yet, but this week Linds will be out of town again (those darn rascals I would love to have him home for more than two weeks in a row) and he is taking the computer to finish up that last minute stuff.

-I went to my endocrinologist for an appointment regarding blood work and to decide on what to do. Previously he was just kind of getting a base line of things and wanted to keep an eye on Prolactin levels to see if there was sign of the previous tumor. Good thing doctor is AMAZING! If anyone needs to see an endocrinologist up here in the Pacific Northwest my doc rocks! He takes as much time as needed, will explain things, gives me handouts, always walks me up to the sign out desk and puts his hand on my back and thanks me for coming, and he always personally calls me with the blood work results. How cool is that, I am not just a client to him but his patient to take care of! So this time we think I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It has been bypasses this long because typically women with this disease are overweight and I am lean. So I started on a diabetic medication actually that is commonly used because it can be linked to insulin resistance and diabetes runs thick in my family. I was scared to start yet another medication but thus far I don't feel bad so I think I can handle this one!
-With this new med. if things are to be handled correctly in my body there is a chance that maybe we could get pregnant! Very exciting and yet scary to me too! I have yearned for that forever and think I always will and yet at this point I am so invested in our adoption. I know we would continue with adoption but emotionally how would I handle both? I guess I will cross that bridge if I get to it and for now just relish that we have made progress with both our adoption and with my health!
- Lindsay and I started a work out program for an adventure race that we are going to do at the end of May. I am STOKED! I can hardly wait! the link to our cool race is ...... for any of you who would like to see what its all about. (Sorry I dont know how to do the cool link thing that everybody does!)
So we have been running and this weekend we went riding.
- The weather was gorgeous this weekend, up in the 70's, which totally gets me excited for riding my bike to work. I was thinking about doing it this morning but we woke up to rain so maybe tomorrow ( or maybe I am just making an excuse).

So there you have it my life in a nutshell. I have som pics to post but need to get the memory card uploaded, so soon hopefully for you guys!